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10,000 green jobs created in last three months

The Green Party has unveiled figures showing that over 50 per cent of new Irish jobs created this year are green. Research shows over 10,000 of the jobs created in Ireland over the past three months have been in the green economy, a fact which has won Ireland some welcome positive press in the US online publication the Huffington Post.
The Green Party has unveiled figures showing that over 50 per cent of new Irish jobs created this year are green. Research shows over 10,000 of the jobs created in Ireland over the past three months have been in \the green economy, a fact which has won Ireland some welcome positive press in the US online publication the Huffington Post.
Energy minister Eamon Ryan said these new figures demonstrate that the Green Party has been delivering in government what we most require – jobs. All over Ireland people are beginning to see that “the recovery will be green”, he said.
Minister Ryan said: “Green jobs are being created across a range of green businesses such as organic farming, energy efficient construction, electric cars, biofuels, manufacturing, servicing and in the energy sectors, particularly in the area of green electricity.
“These green jobs are long lasting and won’t disappear like the construction jobs that have evaporated in this recession.
“Well over 10,000 jobs have already been announced for this year and we can expect this figure to rise. Our figures show that over 50,000 jobs in the green economy are possible in the next decade. As people search for a way to save money, whether it’s by buying a cheaper more fuel-efficient car, cutting home energy costs, or eating locally produced organic food, green alternatives are proving themselves to be real money-spinners and green businesses are flourishing.
“While other parties talked about jobs, these figures proved the Green Party are delivering.”
Minister Ryan said the Green Party in government had changed the rules and put in place the policies that are creating the jobs. He urged voters to vote for Green Party candidates in the local elections and for senator Deirdre de Burca in Dublin and senator Dan Boyle in the south, to ensure the delivery of green jobs at a local level.
Last modified on Tuesday, 02 June 2009 16:13