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Key ventilation event to run alongside Energy Show
A must-attend free event on ventilation in low energy buildings will run alongside this year’s Energy Show – with a chance to gain rare insights from a world class panel of expert speakers on a subject that is increasingly taking centre stage as new build and retrofit ambitions increase.
This article was originally published in issue 29 of Passive House Plus magazine. Want immediate access to all back issues and exclusive extra content? Click here to subscribe for as little as €10, or click here to receive the next issue free of charge
The two-day symposium, ‘Quality ventilation is the key to achieving low energy healthy buildings’, is being organised by SEAI together with the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC) – the International Energy Agency’s information centre on energy efficient ventilation – on 27-28 March 2019 in Dublin, Ireland. The workshop will take place at the RDS venue, with a two hour lunch break to allow delegates an opportunity to visit the show.
International speakers on the first day of the event will include AIVC manager Peter Wouters with a review on the centre’s activities; Paul Ruyssevelt and Maria Kolokotroni of the IEA Energy in Buildings and Communities programme respectively, giving an overview on the IEA’s work on energy in buildings and on ventilative cooling; while building physicist Max Sherman of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory will present on the economics of indoor air quality. Two speakers will then present on issues relating to new trends in ventilation systems: Marc Jardinier, CEO of Aereco and member of CEN technical committee 156 working group 2 will report on standardisation and specification issues; while Wouter Borsboom of Dutch applied scientific research body TNO will look at impacts on indoor air quality and energy performance.
Meanwhile, Irish speakers on the first day will include an update from SEAI’s Phil Hemmingway, Conor Hanniffy, and Brian McIntyre on the authority’s deep retrofit pilot programme, and research development and demonstration fund; before Marie Coggins and James McGrath of NUI will present on indoor environmental quality (IEQ) in Irish energy efficient dwellings.
Highlights on day two will include presentations on why France created a task force on ventilation; UK ventilation expert Ian Mawditt on UK studies into ventilation effectiveness; and Emmanuel Bourdin of the Department of Housing on changes to Irish regulations and inspection of ventilation systems. This will be followed by presentations on ventilation and building airtightness inspection schemes in Belgium, inspection schemes in France, low cost IAQ monitors and the importance of ductwork airtightness. SEAI’s Orla Coyle will present on overheating risk analysis of Irish NZEBs.
Conference rapporteur and regular Passive House Plus contributor Dr Peter Rickaby will summarise events, before delegates will participate in electronic voting on insights learned at the event