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ICF fast & reliable for social housing — Amvic Ireland
The inherent qualities of Amvic insulated concrete formwork (ICF) make it ideal for meeting the demands of local authorities and housing associations for fast build times and reliable delivery programmes, according to leading supplier Amvic Ireland.
This article was originally published in issue 34 of Passive House Plus magazine. Want immediate access to all back issues and exclusive extra content? Click here to subscribe for as little as €10, or click here to receive the next issue free of charge
“We’re currently in the process of supplying rapid-build ICF social housing to a number of local authorities and housing associations at various sites around the country, and we have a strong pipeline of enquiries for new social housing projects as well,” Pat Martin of Amvic Ireland told Passive House Plus. “Compared to other build methods Amvic ICF is inherently able to deliver fast build programmes to deadline.”
“For a start, lead times are minimal as we supply standard products ex stock, from our factory in Dublin. In addition, we can complete our programmes with a minimum of wet trades. This combined with the inherent weather resistance of the Amvic ICF system assists in achieving programme certainty.”
“ICF also offers very fast drying times, if conditions on site have been wet, compared to traditional concrete block and timber frame. So, due to its inherent water resistance, lack of wet trades on site and very low moisture absorbance, we can deliver rapid build times of eight to ten weeks from breaking ground to completion, providing speed and certainty to social housing providers at the time of a national housing crisis.”
Pat Martin also emphasised the inherent airtight and thermal bridge free nature of ICF construction as being ideal for meeting Part L and NZEB. For more information see www.amvicireland.com.
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