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PH+ audit reveals strong Irish & UK circulation
Passive House Plus magazine continues to have the highest circulation of any construction magazine in Ireland, and to be the county’s only building magazine with independently audited circulation.
According to our latest ABC figures, the Irish edition of the magazine’s average net circulation from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013 was 6,272. The UK edition is now audited too, with an average circulation per issue of 9,621 for 1 Jan to June 2013.
But these figures are a conservative estimate of the magazine's circulation, due to a combination of ABC's strict reporting rules and the omission of the digital editions of Passive House Plus. ABC's rules mean that copies which were not part of the main bulk mailing runs — such as 1000 copies circulated at Ecobuild in March 2013 or any copies sent individually or in bulk from the magazine's offices — cannot be counted. Although both Irish and UK editions are also available in print and digital form, the ABC certificates for Passive House Plus only count print copies.
The UK edition is distributed by targeted circulation through members of the AECB, the Passivhaus Trust, Green Register, and to individuals involved with live construction projects through Glenigan’s project database.
“We're delighted to have so many readers engaging with the magazine, as the vast number of enquiries we get from readers bears testament. We're amazed that so many designers, clients and contractors continue to send us enquiries about real low energy buildings that they're planning to build.” said Passive House Plus publisher and editor Jeff Colley.”
Passive House Plus was born in 2012 with the rebranding of the influential Irish sustainable building periodical Construct Ireland. The UK launched early the following year.
Lloyd Alter, managing editor of the popular environmental website Treehugger says of the magazine: “What a joy it was then to discover a new magazine from Ireland, with a UK edition, that is just full of more great green designs of passive houses, multifamily projects, schools office buildings and even boathouses than you could imagine actually existed.”
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