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Passive House Plus sees substantial circulation increase in boost for advertisers
The Irish and UK editions of Passive House Plus have both recorded circulation increases of 5%, independent circulation audits have revealed – delivering added value for the innovative companies who advertise in the magazine
Passive House Plus has consolidated its status as the highest circulated construction or architecture-related trade magazine in Ireland, with an average circulation of 6,468 copies per issue of the Irish edition, while the UK edition lodged impressive average circulations of 9,566 copies per issue. The figures are conservative in that they don’t include bulk distribution of the print magazine, or the magazine’s growing digital reach.
“We’re delighted to show increased circulation, to deliver increased profile for the innovative companies who advertise in our magazine – and to help as many clients, specifiers and contractors as possible to deliver truly sustainable, low energy buildings,” said Passive House Plus editor Jeff Colley. “This growth is a reflection of the growing role that exists for credible specialist publications tailored to meet a particular need. In our case that means serving a market in the throes of profound change and in need of technically literate information on robust, proven ways to deliver sustainable, ultra-low energy buildings.”
Readership possibly exceeding 50,000
Colley stresses that the magazine’s readership is likely a substantial multiple of the circulation, which is targeted at key decision-makers involved in live sustainable building projects. “Our audited circulation figures give a record of all the single copies of the magazine individually posted out via mass mailing runs, as well as copies sold via newsagents in the case of the Irish edition. It’s common for publishers to use a rule of thumb that a single copy is read by three people, which would suggest a readership of circa 20,000 for our Irish edition, and 30,000 for our UK edition.
According to Colley, these figures may be conservative. “The anecdotal evidence indicates that our magazine tends to be passed around the office, shared with friends and colleagues, before being filed away for reference. Our pre-Passive House Plus title, Construct Ireland (for a sustainable future) used to be saddle-stitched, or stapled. We were getting complaints from readers filing the magazine away who couldn’t find particular issues without a spine, which is why we made the move to perfect binding.”
The circulation of Passive House Plus is independently audited by the Audit Bureau of Circulations, the accepted means for newspaper and magazine publishers to produce verified circulation figures. The ABC audits for both editions covered the period 30 June 2015 to 1 July 2016, based on average figures for the five issues of each edition.
For more information on the Passive House Plus circulation breakdown, click here for the UK edition, and click here for the Irish edition.
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