architecture - passivehouseplus.co.uk

architecture - passivehouseplus.co.uk

Open day at passive house barn retrofit

The pioneering passive house retrofit of a derelict farm building to create a visitor and education centre at Yorkshire Wildlife Trust's Stirley Community Farm, Huddersfield, is nearing completion and will be open to the public on Sunday, 1 September 2013 from 11am to 3pm.

What is the next frontier for low energy building?

It's not too hard to remember a time when 'passive house' was a rare, hallowed term. Of course it is still the zenith of low energy building. But there was a time only a few years ago, at our predecessor magazine Construct Ireland, when the possibility of featuring a certified passive house only came along every couple of issues.

Pioneer award for 1970s "zero energy" house in Denmark

This from the Passive House Institute:
This year's Passive House Pioneer Award for groundbreaking achievements in the field of energy-efficient construction will go to the Zero-Energy House in Copenhagen, built in the 1970s under the guidance of the late professor Vagn Korsgaard (1921 – 2012).

A passive house inspired by the sun

The Equinox House house near Kavarna, Bulgaria is a passive building that "delicately interacts with natural phenomena on all levels from embracing local views to tracing universal solar motions," according to its designers, Ignatov Architects.

Wufi and thermal bridging workshops coming to Dublin

Joseph Little and Calina Ferraro of Building Life Consultancy, and Manfred Kehrer of the Fraunhofer Institute of Building Physics will deliver a two day workshop on Wufi Pro hygrothermal simulation software in Dublin on 15 and 16 September.

This workshop will teach attendees to use Fraunhofer’s Wufi Pro software for simulating heat and moisture transfer through building fabric for the purpose of assessing risk and preventing interstitial condensation. The focus of the workshop will be on the practical application of the software.

Termites trump human know-how on green building

Mankind can learn more about cutting energy consumption and carbon emissions by studying insects than by engaging in a space-race approach focused on high tech answers, leading Irish architect Seán Harrington writes in the new issue of green building and upgrading magazine Construct Ireland.

Wufi training workshop to be held in Dublin next month

The Building Life Consultancy and Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics are providing a two-day Wufi Pro training workshop in Dublin on 14-15 December.

This is only the third English language workshop of its kind to be offered in Europe according to the Building Life Consultancy, and will train members of the construction industry to use Fraunhofer’s Wufi Pro software for hygrothermal (heat and moisture) simulations of building fabric.

New Irish passive house association launched in Dublin

People planning to build a new home could save themselves thousands of euro each year by developing a passive house, according to the Passive House Association of Ireland (PHAI), a new low energy design initiative comprising passive house designers and contractors.

Highlights of Open House Dublin 2010 announced

The Irish Architecture Foundation has announced the highlights of the fifth annual Open House Dublin, which takes place from 7 to 11 October 2010. Over the weekend architecturally significant Dublin buildings will open their doors the public, with free tours available.

Pay-as-you-save scheme launched in the UK

The energy and climate change secretary, Ed Miliband, has announced details of a "green loans" scheme to help people pay for improvements to their homes to make them more energy efficient.

The scheme, which would see loans remain attached to the house where insulation, solar panels or other green technology was installed, aims to overcome the financial barriers and upfront costs people face when trying make their homes greener.

BER assessors association to host AGM in Dublin

The BER Assessors Association of Ireland will hold its AGM and a series of workshops tomorrow, Friday February 19, in the Red Cow Moran Hotel, Dublin.

The workshops are open to members and non-members of the association. Information stands will be hosted by FÁS, Flo Gas, Kingspan Insulation, Kingspan Solar, OWL, Ecological Building Systems, and Construct Ireland.

Gormley launches government architecture policy

Environment minister John Gormley yesterday published the government's policy on architecture for 2009 to 2015, titled Towards a Sustainable Future: Delivering Quality Within the Built Environment. 

Open House Dublin 2009 to showcase green buildings

The Irish Architecture Foundation has announced its fourth annual Open House Dublin event. Over the weekend of October 8 to 11, buildings in Dublin selected for their architectural quality and interest will be open to the public.

Government is urged to appoint State architect

THE GOVERNMENT is being urged to take a much more pro-active approach to architecture by appointing a State architect to advise on policy and permitting local authorities to hire their own architects.

Heritage and Development

When the two worlds of heritage and development collide opinions frequently become polarised and fraught with difficulty. There are few more vexed issues, as Tim Carey, Heritage Officer with Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council reveals

Apartments for Life


Jason Walsh spoke to David Smith of O'Mahony Pike Architects about the practice's uniquely-designed show apartments for this year's Myhome.ie Spring House and Garden exhibition.

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