Green awards - passivehouseplus.co.uk

Green awards - passivehouseplus.co.uk

Media HQ shows ultra low energy vision

While Ireland’s minimum energy performance regulations for dwellings have come on leaps and bounds in recent years, standards for non-domestic buildings have remained untouched. Which makes forward-thinking media production company TVM’s new ultra low energy HQ all the more impressive.  

Call for entries by 15 May: UK Passivhaus Awards 2013

The Passivhaus Trust is calling for entries to the second UK Passivhaus Awards – the only dedicated awards for passive house in the UK, with a focus on as-built performance. The deadline for applications is 15 May 2013.

Construct Ireland amongst winners at Green Awards

Construct Ireland has picked up two awards at the 2010 Green Awards. Editor Jeff Colley won the green leader award and Construct Ireland picked up the green communications award for successful campaigning work on pay-as-you-save and a proposal to boost the impact of  Building Energy Ratings, which in both cases culminated in policy commitments in the renewed programme for government,  and planned launches later this year.
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