microgeneration - passivehouseplus.co.uk

microgeneration - passivehouseplus.co.uk

Limerick civic precinct

With great attention to energy, materials and water, ABK Architects’ new civic precinct shows that smart green design can show no sign of compromise

Wind Energy Direct launches pioneering wind power project

wind-ed-opening1.jpgWind Energy Direct, an Irish owned renewable energy company, today launched an innovative wind energy installation that will deliver power directly to the Munster Joinery plant in Ballydesmond, Co Cork.

Study finds that many homes turbines fail to live up to claims

Home wind turbines are generating a fraction of the energy promised by manufacturers, and in some cases use more electricity than they make, a report warns today. The results of what is thought to be the most comprehensive study undertaken of the industry show the worst performers provided just 41 watt-hours a day - less than the energy needed for a conventional lightbulb for an hour, or even to power the turbine's own electronics.

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