News - passivehouseplus.co.uk

News - passivehouseplus.co.uk

Pay-as-you-save scheme launched in the UK

The energy and climate change secretary, Ed Miliband, has announced details of a "green loans" scheme to help people pay for improvements to their homes to make them more energy efficient.

The scheme, which would see loans remain attached to the house where insulation, solar panels or other green technology was installed, aims to overcome the financial barriers and upfront costs people face when trying make their homes greener.

Schools finances waterless urinals with pay-as-you-save

One of the mid-west region’s best known primary schools has moved to reduce its annual water and sewer charges by installing waterless urinal systems.

The Model School in Limerick City invested in the systems, installed by BR Waterless Solution, to offset the scale of metered water charges that were introduced for all schools and educational centres in January. 

BER assessors association to host AGM in Dublin

The BER Assessors Association of Ireland will hold its AGM and a series of workshops tomorrow, Friday February 19, in the Red Cow Moran Hotel, Dublin.

The workshops are open to members and non-members of the association. Information stands will be hosted by FÁS, Flo Gas, Kingspan Insulation, Kingspan Solar, OWL, Ecological Building Systems, and Construct Ireland.

Increase in energy use in Irish buildings despite recession

Rising energy use in buildings contributed to an increase of 1.5% in overall energy demand in 2008, despite the economy contracting by 3% over the same period, a new report from Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI) reveals today.

Construct Ireland nominated for 7 Irish Magazine Awards

Construct Ireland has received seven nominations for this year's Irish Magazine Awards, the most nominations of any business magazine. Only Hot Press received more nominations across all categories.

SEI announces funding for Irish ocean energy companies

Professor J Owen Lewis, the newly appointed CEO of Sustainable Energy Ireland headline.jpg
Ten Irish companies developing ocean energy technologies will share e4.3millon in funding from Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI), the national energy authority announced yesterday.

The funding is aimed at enabling the companies to take their proposals and prototypes to the next stage of development.

Ireland ranked fourth in the world for wind power

Ireland now ranks fourth in the world for the contribution of wind energy to electricity use, according to the International Energy Agency's 2008 Wind Energy Annual Report.

Ireland, which supplies 8.7% of electricity demand from wind, is only behind Denmark (19.3%), Spain (11.7%) and Portugal (11.3%).

Comhar report proposes massive "green new deal"

SPENDING ON the smart economy should be increased eightfold to almost e4 billion a year to make Ireland a world leader in creating green collar jobs, according to the national advisory body on sustainable development.

In a report on a “Green New Deal” for Ireland published yesterday, Comhar argued that a multi- billion euro commitment would be needed if Ireland was to become a sustainable, low-carbon economy.

EPA chief calls for urgent action on green economy

IRELAND CANNOT afford to wait before investing in the green economy, the director general of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has said.

Speaking at the organisation’s annual conference, Mary Kelly said there were significant economic opportunities for Ireland in becoming a low-carbon and greener economy.

Open House Dublin 2009 to showcase green buildings

The Irish Architecture Foundation has announced its fourth annual Open House Dublin event. Over the weekend of October 8 to 11, buildings in Dublin selected for their architectural quality and interest will be open to the public.

Green loan launched for energy upgrade market

Green loan launch photoEnergy and innovation minister of state Conor Lenihan today officially launched a nationwide scheme expected to generate thousands of new jobs in the clean-tech sector over the next 6 to 12 months.

New company Greenloan has set up an offering to co-incide with the Home Energy Saving scheme which aims to create significant employment opportunities in local communities throughout Ireland by grouping homeowners to avail of large discounts in upgrading their properties.

Annual energy savings reached Eur750 million in 2007

Prof J Owen Lewis, CEO, Sustainable Energy Ireland
The Irish economy recorded savings of €750 million in 2007 as a result of energy efficiency measures undertaken since 1995. The economy recorded a 10 per cent improvement in energy efficiency between 1995 and 2007 and the savings made in 2007 alone were the equivalent to the annual energy usage of half a million houses.

Solar panel to suit Irish roofs set for Energy Show launch

Irish renewable heating specialists Evergreen Energy are set to launch a new solar panel designed for typical Irish roofs at the Energy Show next week. The show, organised by Sustainable Energy Ireland, will be held next Wednesday and Thursday, 29 and 30 May, in the RDS, Dublin.

Obama pledges billions for renewable energy projects

 Barack Obama today declared the billions of dollars he is planning to spend on renewable energy projects off-limits to the usual bartering over the next few weeks with Congress.

Leinster House cut in energy a partial success

ENERGY SAVING Day in the Oireachtas last month was only a partial success, with electricity usage in a part of the complex used by politicians from the two main parties actually increasing.

Custom House ranks high in energy efficiency stakes

AN ENERGY efficiency audit of a number of public buildings has shown that one of the oldest properties in the State has a better rating than premises a fraction of its age.

Experts urge engineering solutions to cool the planet

CLIMATE EXPERTS have urged scientists and engineers to find radical answers to global warning, suggesting they might even explore a way of refreezing the North and South Poles.

More bad news on climate change expected

More bad news on climate change is expected as more than 2,000 climate scientists gather in Copenhagen. They will be trying to pull together the latest research on global warming ahead of political negotiations later in the year.

ESB to purchase electricity from domestic wind turbines

Quentin Gargan of Turbotricity
The Commissioner for Energy Regulation has announced that the ESB is to buy electricity from so-called “micro generators” - householders who have their own wind generators or other renewable electricity systems. The price has been set at 9c per unit.

Over 8,000 BERs registered since January

There has been a significant and sustained increase in the number of Building Energy Rating (BER) assessments being completed and published since January 1,  when it became mandatory by law for all dwellings offered for sale or lease, both new and existing, to have a BER certificate.

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