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BER assessors association to host AGM in Dublin

The BER Assessors Association of Ireland will hold its AGM and a series of workshops tomorrow, Friday February 19, in the Red Cow Moran Hotel, Dublin.
The workshops are open to members and non-members of the association. Information stands will be hosted by FÁS, Flo Gas, Kingspan Insulation, Kingspan Solar, OWL, Ecological Building Systems, and Construct Ireland.
The BER Assessors Association of Ireland will hold its AGM and a series of workshops tomorrow, Friday February 19, in the Red Cow Moran Hotel, Dublin.
The workshops are open to members and
non-members of the association. Information stands will be hosted by FÁS, Flo Gas,
Kingspan Insulation, Kingspan Solar, OWL, Ecological Building Systems,
and Construct Ireland.
Workshops will be held by Sustainable Energy Ireland (a review of
technical documents issued over the course of the year); Drayton (use of
controls in energy efficient heating systems); Aeroboard (application
of external insulation to NSAI standards); and Systemlink (interlinking heating systems).
The BER Assessors Association of Ireland is a voluntary, un-incorporated
and non-profit making body. It was formed in June 2008, comprised of
assessors who believed a non-profit association acting on behalf of its
members was required. The objective of the association is to provide an
independent voice to represent BER assessors.
For more on the upcoming AGM and workshops see www.berassoc.ie