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NZEB Open Doors issues call for low energy building projects
This year’s NZEB Open Doors event takes place from 11-13 November across Ireland. The event sees dozens of cutting edge, low energy buildings open their doors for members of the public to visit and experience for themselves.
This article was originally published in issue 17 of Passive House Plus magazine. Want immediate access to all back issues and exclusive extra content? Click here to subscribe for as little as €10, or click here to receive the next issue free of charge
Michael Hanratty of IHER Energy Services, which co-ordinates the event, said it is now seeking building owners to come forward to participate and open their doors. “Our objective is to showcase exemplar NZEB projects around Ireland, including passive house buildings, to inspire those embarking on new projects to aim for optimum low energy performance levels,” he said. “We are looking for extra exhibitor buildings to include this year — both new build and retrofit projects, whether residential, commercial or public buildings.”
Hanratty told Passive House Plus that this year’s event will place a particular focus on commercial and other non-domestic buildings, and he is particularly eager for exhibitors from this sector to come forward given that changes to TGD Part L for buildings other than dwellings are looming. More generally, this year’s theme is focused around ‘Knowledge’ and how we need to ‘Learn’, ‘Inspire’ and ‘Share’.
The event is supported by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland along with the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government. It is designed to educate and inform both the public and stakeholders ahead of the introduction of EU rules which mandate that all new Irish buildings will have to be ‘nearly zero energy’ after 31 December 2020. The same rule will apply to public buildings after 31 December 2018.
This is the fourth year of the NZEB Open Doors in Ireland, and as usual it will overlap with the International Passive House Days. Last year, about 60 projects across Ireland opened their doors for the event. Potential exhibitors of low energy buildings and ongoing projects are welcome to join the 2016 event by contacting NZEB Open Doors. Visitors will be able to book into events though the online registration from mid October onwards. More information is available at www.nzeb-opendoors.ie.
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