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Passive House Plus back issues now freely available online
The digital versions of all previous issues of Passive House Plus are now freely available online. The magazine is available in entirety in digital form, while many of the feature articles are also now available in HTML form - or in other words as regular web articles. The digital editions use the Issuu pageflipper software, which was chosen for its functionality, simplicity and the ability for readers to interact with magazine content - for instance by sharing links to articles in the magazine via social media or email, or by clicking links to websites contained in articles and adverts.
But there's still ample reason to subscribe. Each newly published issue is available exclusively for subscribers for two months, before being archived on the site. Certain content is only available for subscribers, such as invaluable galleries of plans and construction details on innovative buildings featured in the magazine.
To subscribe for as little as €10 (digitally) or €25 (including print copies) per annum click here. Alternatively, if you have a project coming up in the UK or Ireland and you want to get in contact with some of the key sustainable suppliers, designers and or contractors who feature in our magazine, click here to fill out our enquiry form and we'll send you a free copy of the magazine.
Below the logo at the top left of this page there are a number of headings. Under "Back issues" readers can browse by digital editions to see the magazine in full, or alternatively access the main articles from each issue. Readers can browse by category - meaning anyone interested in retrofit or new builds, for instance, can select whichever category interests them - or by issue. Key content comprising about half of each magazine - news, comment and adverts from carefully selected specialist companies - is only currently available online via the digital editions.
Click here to view the archived digital editions of Passive House Plus.
To browse feature articles from back issues by issue or by category hover over the "Back issues" heading above and choose the appropriate drop down menu.