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Visit an exciting new passive house retrofit in Cork
As part of the Passive House Association of Ireland southern region programme of CPD in passive house building knowledge, members have kindly agreed to open their passive building projects for site visits as a learning resource for builders, architects, students, systems installers and potential clients.
The first such building project, on Glasheen Road in Cork City, is an Enerphit (certified passive house refurbishment) and extension of a detached house. Construction/demolition has started as of August 2016, and the first site visit will take place on Thursday 15 September at 16.00, ending at 16.45.
"We should have steel in place for the support of the existing works and can look at how thermal bridge free design is addressed there. Drawings, models, etc will be available for discussion. If you are interested you can follow the progress of the build [via future planned site visits], including the all-critical testing for air-tightness," said project architect Paul McNally of The Passivhaus Architecture Company.
Prospective participants must apply in advance using the form here. Each site visit costs €10, or €5 for students. Funds go to the southern region chapter of the PHAI. This event if free to members of the Passive House Association of Ireland (membership €150).
Places are limited to five students max, and 10 in total, on a first come first served basis. If there is substantial interest a second group may be arranged, but each will be limited for safety and ease of discussion. All participants must bring their own hard hats, steel toe safety boots and high-vis vests. Those who attend can also book their place on future visits to the site.