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Amvic ICF delivers rapid build NZEB schemes
Leading insulated concrete formwork (ICF) supplier Amvic Ireland has emphasised its ability to deliver rapid construction times for new dwellings.
This article was originally published in issue 33 of Passive House Plus magazine. Want immediate access to all back issues and exclusive extra content? Click here to subscribe for as little as €10, or click here to receive the next issue free of charge
Speaking to Passive House Plus, Pat Martin of Amvic Ireland said the company can deliver both short lead times as well as fast turnaround on site.
“Amvic ICF enjoys the bene ts of very low lead times, and rapid builds are possible. A scheme of 60 houses in Dublin that we supplied to recently was complete in just six months total,” he said. “In conjunction with the developers our recent schemes have been completed as rapid builds to the NZEB standard.”
The Amvic system can also help to circumvent trades shortages, particularly with regards to the current shortage in wet trades in the Irish building industry. “We’ve supplied our system to a number of recently completed housing schemes, both private and social housing which, and as always, were completed without the need for wet trades.”
“Given the flexibility of the system and its inherent compliance with the building regulations for noise, fire, structure and thermal performance, we believe Amvic ICF provides a compelling narrative for developers worried about how to meet the regulations, using an Irish manufactured and NSAI Agrément-certified method of construction.”
Amvic Ireland supplied its ICF system to hundreds of units in Ireland, the UK and further afield last year, and Pat Martin said: “Our system is rapidly gaining recognition as a viable alternative to traditional building methods.”
“Our system can meet NZEB with ease. It also achieves a typical noise reduction performance of better than 56 decibels across party walls, the one-hour fire rating required between units, as well as a structural airtightness of 3 m3/(hr.m²). These are all features inherent to the concrete core in the system.”
Pat Martin also added that the Amvic ICF system is fully compatible with use of GGBS low carbon cement for those seeking to reduce the embodied carbon footprint of their project.
For more information visit www.amvicireland.com
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